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What is SEO? Search Engine Optimization The Basic Guide

 The Full form of SEO is Search Engine Optimization which are regularly come in used for increasing website traffic or to obtained better rank in Search Engines.

Hello friends,  today I am going to explain What is SEO? and What are the purpose of SEO for any website along with What SEO provide to a website owner. So let's get started.

What is SEO? 

the basic guide for beginner what is SEO?

Since we all know that the person who have any query regarding to any topic they can search their query to the search box such as on google and get the best answer of their query through the website which are rank on the Search Engine Result Page  SERP. 

There are many website are present which are able to give the person query answer but google only rank those website who had completed better  SEO to their website.

That means the website who had better SEO get rank better and get the quality visitor to their website.

Rank of any website depends on computer programmed algorithm so that the website who cover the objective of algorithm can have chases to get ranking in SERP.

There will be large quality of visitors come to the website and this traffic are called the organic traffic come from google which is free of cost traffic. The website owner does not pay any amount for getting the traffic to their website. Hence the proper SEO to any website are most important part for any website owner.

How much time take to cover SEO? 

SEO of any website are not a over night success but  SEO require some week or some month to cover some of SEO part depending upon your strategy. No one know exactly the ranking strategy only google know it.  

The SEO trend changes time to time  but the common factor of SEO are must be know to every online business owner so that the  business will be grow and get the most selling output.

How SEO work? 

Search Engines crawl  the content of each pages with the help of bots where bots are a robotic or software program  which follow to read and identify the content. bots crawl the web pages there after index web pages. Crawl moves from one website to another website.

Google bots understand the content and assemble or stored the content on database  whenever user search query regarding any keyword the search engine display the best possible answers to the user on SERP.

On Page SEO-

On Page SEO mainly focus on the content of your website. Search Engine are identify the types and what about the topic on the website through the content. This also help to Search Engine to find useful content with what user want to search.

Off Page SEO-

Off Page SEO are come in used for building relationships of website to the other website for doing this process the authority of website increases and Search Engines get to noticed the the website will be more valuable to the audience for regarding search query.

Basic strategy of Off Page SEO is link building from high authority and reputed sites. 
more no of link building there would be more chances to get better ranking of web pages. Guest posting are also options for earning quality backlinks from other website. 

Technical SEO-

crawling, indexing, rendering of website through spider are come in Technical SEO part, if the content of a website are good then Technical SEO help to rank website in SERP. The major component of Technical SEO come in under  Sitemap, Meta data, Responsiveness, speed 


what is SEO of any website are important because it increase the authority, built relationship with other website, drive more traffic for targeted keyword, provide better ranking in the SERP  generate more income, increases sales of products and also increase growth of business. 
So SEO are the important element for website,  digital marketing  and any online business. 

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